Abeyance - a situation in which the rightful owner of a property, office or title has not yet been decided.
Abusive Tax Shelter - an investment scheme that claims to reduce income tax without changing the value of the user's income or assets.
Aboriginal - "first, earliest, existing from the beginning," especially in reference to inhabitants of lands colonized by Europeans
Accrue - Able to increase, such as to gain interest that is then added to the original capital.
Activist - "one who advocates a doctrine of direct action" in any sense, 1915;
Advisor - 1610s, "one who gives advice," agent noun from advise (v.)
Agent - One who represents and acts for another under the contract or relation of agency;
Alien : A non resident of the country they live in.
Allocation - an amount or portion of a resource assigned to a particular recipient.
Analyze (st) - "to dissect, take to pieces," Of literature, "examine critically to get the essence of," from 1610s; meaning in chemistry ("resolve a compound into elements") dates from 1660s
Anglo-Saxon - After the Norman-French invasion of 1066, the peoples of the island were distinguished as English and French, but after a few generations all were English, and Latin-speaking scribes, who knew and cared little about Germanic history, began to use Anglo-Saxones to refer to the pre-1066 inhabitants and their descendants.
Anticipate - 1530s, "to cause to happen sooner," "take (care of) ahead of time,"
literally "taking into possession beforehand,"
Appalachian - in reference to the North American mountain range,
c. 1600, Mountaynes Apalatsi; written apalachenby Spanish explorers and originally in reference only to the southern end of the range. Originally the name of the Apalachee, a Muskogean people of northwestern Florida, perhaps from Apalachee abalahci "other side of the river" or Hitchiti (Muskogean) apalwahči "dwelling on one side." Spelling shifted under influence of adjectives in -ian.
Archive - "records or documents preserved as evidence,"
from French archif "written records," also the place where they are kept
from Greek ta arkheia "public records
plural of arkheion "town hall, public building,"
from arkhe "government," literally "beginning, origin, first place"
The sense of "place where public records and historical documents are kept"
Assets - "sufficiency, satisfaction; compensation"
At first a legal word meaning "sufficient estate" (to satisfy debts and legacies),
it passed into a general sense of "property," especially "any property that theoretically can be converted to ready money" by 1580s.
A financial contract or physical object with value that is owned by an individual, company, or sovereign, which can be used to generate additional value or provide LIQUIDITY. Assets are credits to the balance sheet, and may include CASH, investments, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, LOANS granted, INVENTORY, real estate, plant and equipment, and GOODWILL. Assets are characterized by varying degrees of LIQUIDITY, and may be funded through DEBT or EQUITY.
Architecture - The design of a building, structure, or system that is a functional whole.
Board - A further extension is to "table where council is held"
"then transferred to "leadership council,
persons having the management of some public or private concern"
Meaning "table upon which public notices are written"
Capital - The most important city or town of a country or region, usually its seat of
government and administrative center or wealth in the form of money or other assets
owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose
such as starting a company or investing.
Citizen : In general, A member of a free city or jural society, (civitas.) possessing all the rights and privileges which can be enjoyed by any person under its constitution and government, and subject to the corresponding duties.
Coaching - Extending traditional training methods to direct the focus on
(1). an individual’s needs and accomplishments,
(2). Using close observation, and
(3). Improving performance by impartial and nonjudgmental feedback.
Colonize - to settle with colonist,
plant or establish a colony in,
from stem of Latin colonus
"tiller of the soil, farmer" (1620)
"to migrate to and settle in" (1630)
"to make another place into a national dependency" (1790)
Commodity - early 15c., "benefit, profit, welfare;" also "a convenient or useful product"
Commonly traded commodities include gold, beef, oil, lumber and natural gas.
Additional examples of commodities include iron ore, crude oil, salt, sugar, tea, coffee beans,
copper, rice, wheat, silver, and platinum.
Commodities are basic because they have simply been grown or extracted from their natural state
and brought up to a minimum grade for sale in a marketplace -
there is no extra value added to them by the producer.
Community - A society of people living in the same place, under the same laws and regulations,
and who have common rights and privileges. In the civil law. A corporation or body politic.
Concierge - 1640s, from French concierge "caretaker"
In France, formerly the title of a high royal official.
Condition - "stipulation; state; behavior; social status"
"particular mode of being of a person or thing"
Continue - mid-14c., contynuen, "maintain, sustain, preserve;" late 14c.,
"go forward or onward; persevere in,"from continere (intransitive) "to be uninterrupted,"
Contract - An agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular thing. 2 Bl. Comm. 442; 2 Kent, Comm. 449. Justice v. Lang, 42 N. Y. 496, 1 Am. Rep. 576; Edwards v. Kearzey, 96 U. S. 599, 24 L. Ed. 793; Canterberry v. Miller, 76 111. 355. A covenant or agreement between two or more persons, with a lawful consideration or cause. Jacob. A deliberate engagement between competent parties, upon a legal consideration, to do or abstain from doing, some act. Wharton. A contract or agreement is either where a promise is made on one side and assented to on the other; or where two or more persons enter into engagement with each other by a promise on either side. 2 Steph. Comm. 54. A contract is an agreement by which one person obligates himself to another to give, to do. or permit, or not to do. something expressed or implied by such agreement. Civ. Code I,a. art. 1761; Fislc v. Police Jury. 34 La. Ann. 45. A contract is an agreement to do or not to do a certain thing. Civ. Code Cal.
Correlation - a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
Country - mid-13c., "(one's) native land;" "any geographic area," sometimes with implications of political organization,
from Vulgar Latin *(terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before one,"
Also from c. 1300 as "area surrounding a walled city or town; the open country."
By early 16c. the word was applied mostly to rural areas, as opposed to towns and cities.
Meaning "inhabitants of a country, the people" is from c. 1300.
Curate (v) - "be in charge of, manage" a museum, gallery, art exhibit, etc., by 1979 (implied in curated),
Curiosity - late 14c., "careful attention to detail" ; a strong desire to know or learn something.
Data - " a fact given or granted" "to give"
from Latin datum "(thing) given
from 1897 as "numerical facts collected for future reference."
Demonstration - proof that something is true, by reasoning or logical deduction or practical experiment,
from Old French demonstration (14c.) "figuratively" to prove / establish
Design - "to make, shape," ultimately from Latin designare
"mark out, point out; devise;
Italian verb disegnare in 16c. developed the senses
"to contrive, plot, intend,"
Disease - "discomfort, inconvenience, distress, trouble"
from Old French desaise "lack, want; discomfort, distress;
trouble, misfortune; disease, sickness,"
the word still sometimes was used in its literal sense
usually with a hyphen (dis-ease)
Distant - late 14c., "standing or being apart from a given point or place,"
from Old French distant (14c.), from Latin distantem (nominative distans),
present participle of distare "to stand apart, be remote,"
from dis- "apart, off" (see dis-) + stare "to stand,"
Diplomatic - "pertaining to official or original documents, text, or charters"
stem of Latin diploma "a state letter of recommendation,"
given to persons travelling to the provinces
Diplomacy - "the science of formal intercourse between nations through authorized agents;
the art of negotiating and drafting treaties;"
more loosely, "transactions and management of international business in general,"
from Latin diploma" "official document conferring a privilege"
Meaning "dexterity or skill in managing negotiations of any kind"
Directory - mid-15c., "a guide" 1540s, "a book of rules," especially ecclesiastical
"to set straight"
from Medieval Latin directorium
Meaning "alphabetical listing of inhabitants of a region" is from 1732
Discretion - c. 1300, dyscrecyounne, "ability to perceive and understand;"
mid-14c., "moral discernment, ability to distinguish right from wrong;"
from sense of "power to decide or judge, power of acting according to one's own judgment"
Dwell - “to dwell, reside;” Middle Dutch dwellen "to stun, perplex"
to "linger, remain, stay, sojourn," to "make a home,
abide as a permanent resident" (mid-14c.)"remain (in a certain condition or status),"
Earn - Old English earnian "deserve, earn, merit, labor for, win, get a reward for labor,"
Encourage - early 15c., from Old French encoragier "make strong, hearten," from en- "make, put in"
Endow - late 14c., indowen "provide an income for,"
from Anglo-French endover
from Latin dotare "to endow, bestow, portion,"
Equity - 14c., "quality of being equal or fair, impartiality in dealing with others"
Equity Research - involves study, reporting and projections; the study of a business
and its environment in order to make a buy or sell decision about investing in its shares.
This research can also be applied by an acquirer to a prospective acquisition deal,
to determine the price at which to bid for the securities of a target company.
(estimate or forecast of a future situation or trend based on a study of present circumstances).
Evolution - "an opening of what was rolled up"
"growth to maturity and development of an individual living thing"
Establish - stipulate, set up, erect, build (12c Modern French établir) from Latin stabilire "make stable"
Exchange - "act of reciprocal giving and receiving" "barter"
Practice of merchants or lenders meeting to exchange bills of debt led to meaning "building for mercantile business"
Exercise - a process or activity carried out for a specific purpose to test a skill in a specified area.
Explanation - late 14c., from Latin explanationem (nominative explanatio) "interpretation"
noun of action from past participle stem of explanare "to make plain or clear, explain,"
Explore - 1580s, "to investigate, examine," a back-formation from exploration, or else from Middle French explorer
(16c.), from Latin explorare "investigate, search out, examine, explore,"
said to be originally a hunters' term meaning "set up a loud cry," from ex "out" (see ex-) + plorare "to weep, cry."
De Vaan notes modern sources that consider "the ancient explanation, ...
that the verb explorare originally meant 'to scout the hunting area for game by means of shouting'" to be "not unlikely."
Extract - "to draw out, withdraw, take or get out, pull out or remove from a fixed position,
literally or figuratively," late 15c.,
from Latin extractus,
"digest or summary of something which has been written at greater length,"
from Late Latin extractum
Foreign - from Old French forain "strange, foreign; outer, external, outdoor; remote, out-of-the-way" (12c.),
from Medieval Latin foraneus "on the outside, exterior,"
c. 1300, ferren, foran, foreyne, in reference to places, "outside the boundaries of a country;"
of persons, "born in another country,"
Form - c. 1200, forme, fourme, "semblance, image, likeness,"
from Old French forme, fourme, "physical form, appearance;
pleasing looks; shape, image; way, manner"
"create, give life to, give shape or structure to; make, build, construct, devise,"
from c. 1300 as "correct or appropriate way of doing something;
established procedure; traditional usage; formal etiquette."
late 14c. as "way in which something is done,"
"a legal agreement; terms of agreement," later "a legal document"
Meaning "a document with blanks to be filled in" is from 1855"
From 1590s as "systematic or orderly arrangement;"
Formal - "pertaining to form or arrangement;" also, in philosophy and theology"
from Old French formal, formel "formal, constituent"
From early 15c. as "in due or proper form, according to recognized form,"
from Old French fourmer "formulate, express; draft, create, shape, mold""
Fund(s) - 1776, "convert (a debt) into capital or stock represented by interest-bearing bonds
Meaning "supply (someone or something) with money, to finance" is from 1900
from Latin fundus "bottom, foundation, piece of land," from PIE root *bhudh- "bottom, base"
Meaning "stock of money or wealth available for some purpose" is from 1690s; sense of
"store of anything to be drawn upon" is from 1704. Funds "money at one's disposal" is from 1728
"a large stock or supply of something, especially information or knowledge"
Fudraiser - a person whose job or task is to seek financial support for a charity, institution, or other enterprise.
Game - c. 1200, from Old English gamen "joy, fun; game, amusement," common Germanic (cognates: Old Frisian game "joy, glee," Old Norse gaman "game, sport; pleasure, amusement,"
General - late 14c., "whole class of things or persons, a broad classification, a general truth,"
c. 1200, "of wide application, generic, affecting or involving all"
Global - 1670s, "spherical," from globe + -al (1). Meaning "worldwide, universal, pertaining to the whole globe of the earth" is from 1892, from a sense development in French.
Governance - late 14c., "act or manner of governing," from governer "to govern, rule, command"
Heredity - 1530s, "inheritance, succession," from Middle French hérédité, from Old French eredite "inheritance, legacy" (12c.), from Latin hereditatem (nominative hereditas) "heirship, inheritance, an inheritance, condition of being an heir,"
Legal sense of "inheritable quality or character" first recorded 1784; the modern biological sense "transmission of qualities from parents to offspring" seems to be found first in 1863, introduced by Herbert Spencer.
Hunt - Old English huntian "chase game" (transitive and intransitive), perhaps developed from hunta"hunter," and related to hentan "to seize," General sense of "search diligently" (for anything) is first recorded c. 1200.
Immunity - "exemption from service or obligation"
from Old French immunité "privilege; immunity from attack, inviolability"directly
"exemption from performing public service or charge, privilege,"
from immunis "exempt, free, not paying a share"
Income - "entrance, arrival," literally "a coming in;"
Meaning "money made through business or labor"
Inhabitant - "one who dwells in a place"
(as distinguished from a visitor or transient)
from Anglo-French inhabitant, from Latin inhabitantem
present participle of inhabitare "to dwell in"
Intentions - from Old French entencion "intent, purpose, aspiration; will; thought"
"a stretching out, straining, exertion, effort
Labor - "a task, a project" later "exertion of the body; trouble, difficulty, hardship"
from Latin labor "toil, exertion; hardship, pain, fatigue; a work, a product of labor,"
Logic - mid-14c., logike, "branch of philosophy that treats of forms of thinking,
science of distinction of true from false reasoning," from Old French logique (13c.),
from Latin (ars) logica "logic," from Greek (he) logike (techne) "(the) reasoning (art),
" from fem. of logikos "pertaining to speaking or reasoning"
Manner - c. 1200, manere, "kind, sort, variety,"
from Anglo-French manere, Old French maniere "fashion, method, manner, way; appearance, bearing; custom"
Meaning "customary practice" is from c. 1300. Senses of "way of doing something; a personal habit or way of doing; way of conducting oneself toward others"
Market - "a meeting at a fixed time for buying and selling livestock and provisions, an occasion on which goods are publicly exposed for sale and buyers assemble to purchase,"
Meaning "a city, country or region considered as a place where things are bought or sold"
Merit - "spiritual credit" (for good works, etc.) "spiritual reward,"
from Old French merite"wages, pay, reward; thanks;
merit, moral worth, that which assures divine pity,"
Latin meritum "a merit, service, kindness, benefit, favor; worth, value, importance,"
"to be entitled to," from Latin meritare "to eaa specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.rn, yield,"
Media - "newspapers, radio, TV, etc." 1927, perhaps abstracted from mass-media (1923,
a technical term in advertising); plural of medium (n.) In spiritualism, "person who conveys spiritual messages,"
Medium of Exchange - a measure and standard of value in commercial (.com) transactions between buyers and sellers, these specific types of commodity, currency, or financial instrument are used.
Mission - 1590s "act of sending, a dispatching; a release, a setting at liberty; discharge from service, dismissal,"
Diplomatic sense of "body of persons sent to a foreign land on commercial or political business" is from 1620s.
Modeling - Phenomenon of mathematical representation where one or more dependent variables
exhibiting cause-and-effect, or causal, relationship with one or more independent variables.
Documented examples of causal modeling are ARMA and ARIMA.
Money - A general, indefinite term for the measure and representative of value; currency; the circulating medium ; cash. “Money” is a generic term, and embraces every description of coin or bank-notes recognized by common consent as a representative of value in effecting exchanges of property or payment of debts. Hopson v. Fountain. 5 Humph. (Tenn.) 140. Money is used in a specific and also in a general and more comprehensive sense. In its specific sense, it means what is coined or stamped by public authority, and has its determinate value fixed by governments. In its more comprehensive and general sense, it means wealth.
Motivator - "someone or something that initiates or stimulates action or behavior,"
Mulatto : A mulatto is defined to be “a person that is the offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro.”
Museum - A building or institution for the cultivation of science or the exhibition of curiosities or works of art.
Mutual - from Latin mutuus "reciprocal, done in exchange,"
Nation : A people, or aggregation of men, existing in the form of an organized jural society, inhabiting a distinct portion of the earth, speaking the same language, using the same customs, possessing historic continuity, and distinguished from other like groups by their racial origin and characteristics, and generally, but not necessarily, living under the same government and sovereignty.
Native: A natural-born subject or citizen ; a denizen by birth ; one who owes his domicile or citizenship to the fact of his birth within the country referred to.
Negro : The word “negro” means a black man, one descended from the African race, and does not commonly include a mulatto.
Niche - a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.
Notice - "information, intelligence," "to know." Sense of "formal warning"
Norse - "Norwegian," from noordsch "northern, nordic," from noord "north"
Observation - the process of observing something or someone carefully in order to gain information.
Object - 1. Accounting: The goods or services that was purchased.
2. Modeling: The modeling architecture’s portrayal of a real world situation through a representation.
3. Programming: A program that consists of data and code, which is reusable in other programs.
Object Oriented Architecture - The ease of manipulation granted by this design method is possible through
the representation of files and other operations as data structures.
Opinion - "opinion, conjecture, fancy, belief, what one thinks; appreciation, esteem,"
from stem of opinari "think, judge, suppose, opine,"
Option - c. 1600, "action of choosing," from French option (Old French opcion),
from Latin optionem(nominative optio) "choice, free choice, liberty to choose,"
Parties - The persons who take part in the performance of any act, or who are directly interested in any affair, contract, or conveyance, or who are actively concerned in the prosecution and defense of any legal proceeding.
Physical - Relating or pertaining to the body, as distinguished from the mind or soul or the emotions;
material, substantive, having an objective existence, as distinguished from imaginary or fictitious;
real, having’ relation to facts, as distinguished from moral or constructive.
Present (adj.) - c. 1300, "existing at the time," from Old French present "evident, at hand, within reach;"
as a noun, "the present time" (11c., Modern French présent) and directly from Latin praesentem (nominative praesens)
"present, at hand, in sight; immediate;
Present (n.2) - c. 1200, "thing offered, what is offered or given as a gift,"
from Old French present and Medieval Latin presentia,
from phrases such as French en present "(to offer) in the presence of,
"mettre en present"place before, give," from Late Latin inpraesent "face to face,"
Practice - c. 1400, "to do, act;" early 15c., "to follow or employ; to carry on a profession,
From early 15c. as "to perform repeatedly to acquire skill, to learn by repeated performance;"
mid-15c. as "to perform, to work at, exercise."
Principle - origin, source, beginning; rule of conduct;
from Anglo-French principle, Old French principe "origin, cause"
Latin principium (plural principia) "a beginning, commencement, origin, first part,"
in plural "foundation, elements,"
from princeps (genitive principis) "first man, chief leader; ruler, sovereign,"
from primus "first" capere "to take"
from PIE root *kap- "to grasp"
Used absolutely for (good or moral)
Promoter - late 14c., "one who forwards or advances" (the interest of someone or some cause), "supporter,"
Public - "Open to general observation"
from Latin publicus "of the people; of the state; done for the state
also "common, general, public; ordinary, vulgar," and as a noun,
"a commonwealth; public property,"
Purpose - "intention, aim, goal," "to put, place" "by design"
Race - A tribe, people, or nation, belonging or supposed to belong to the same
stock or lineage. “Race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Const U. S., Am. XV.
Recognize - early 15c., "resume possession of land," back-formation from recognizance,
stem of reconoistre "to know again, identify,"
from Latin recognoscere"acknowledge, recall to mind, know again;
examine; certify," from re- "again"
Meaning "know again, recall or recover the knowledge of,
perceive an identity with something formerly known or felt" first recorded 1530
Recommend - "praise, present as worthy," from Medieval Latin recommendare
"commit to one's care, commend"
Meaning "advise as to action, urge (that something be done)"
Recommendation - "action of commending oneself to another"
Meaning "act of recommending (someone or something) as worthy"
Reconciliation - "a re-establishing, a reconciling,"
Relation - late 14c., "connection, correspondence;" also "act of telling,"
"a bringing back, restoring; a report, proposition," from relatus
Reparation - late 14c., "reconciliation" "act of repairing, restoration,"
Reporter - c. 1400, reportour, "one who gives an account" of what was said or done by another
Representation - In Contracts. A statement made by one of two contracting parties to the other,
before or at the time of making the contract, in regard to some fact, circumstance,
or state of facts pertinent to the contract, which is influential in bringing about the agreement.
In insurance. A collateral statement, either by writing not inserted in the policy or by parol,
of such facts or circumstances, relative to the proposed adventure,
as are necessary to be communicated to the underwriters, to enable them to form a just estimate of tile risks.
Republic - c. 1600, "state in which supreme power rests in the people via elected representatives"
"literally res publica "public interest"
Research - 1570s, "act of searching closely," from Middle French recerche
cercher "to seek for," from Latin circare "go about, wander, traverse,"
Restricted - "limited" 1830, past-participle adjective from restrict; of documents, etc., "secret, not for public release" it is recorded from 1944. In U.S., restricted was a euphemism for "off-limits to Jews" (1947)."
Salesperson - a person whose job is to sell a product or service in a given territory, in a store, or by telephone
Satisfy - early 15c.,"pay, repay, make reparation"
from Latin satisfacere "discharge fully, comply with, make amends," literally "do enough," from satis "enough"
Serve - late 12c., "to render habitual obedience to," also "minister, give aid, give help,"
from Old French servir"to do duty toward, show devotion to; set table, serve at table; offer, provide with,"
Scout - late 14c., "observe or explore as a scout, travel in search of information,"
from Old French escouter "to listen, heed" (Modern French écouter), from Latin auscultare "to listen to, give heed to"
Share - Meaning "to divide one's own and give part to others"
1580s, "to apportion to someone as his share; to apportion out to others;
to enjoy or suffer (something) with others," from share (n.1).
Solicitation - from solicit, which means "to request," or "to entreat." (a request for something, usually money)
Sovereignty : The possession of sovereign power; supreme political authority; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and Its administration ; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation;
Spirit - mid-13c., "animating or vital principle in man and animals,"
from Anglo-French spirit, Old French espirit "spirit, soul"
(12c., Modern French esprit) and directly from Latin spiritus "a breathing (respiration, and of the wind),
breath; breath of a god," hence "inspiration; breath of life,"
Stable - mid 12c., trustworthy, reliable;" mid-13c., "constant, steadfast; virtuous;"
from Latin stabilis "firm, steadfast, stable, fixed," figuratively "durable, unwavering," literally "able to stand,"
From c. 1300 as "well-founded, well-established, secure" (of governments, etc.)
System "LEGAL" - Jurisdiction’s basis of applying law consists of
(1) A constitution, written or oral;
(2) Primary legislation, statutes, and laws; authorized by constitutionally authorized legislative body;
(3) Primary legislation authorized body enacts subsidiary legislation or bylaws;
(4) Traditional practices upheld by the courts;
(5) Civil, common, Roman, or other code of law as source of such principles or practices.
Terms - 14c., limiting conditions, mutual relations
Tolerate - "to allow without interference"
Treaty - "treatment, discussion"
from Anglo-French treté, Old French traitié "assembly, agreement, dealings,
from Latin tractatus "discussion, handling, management"
Sense of "contract or league between nations or sovereigns" is first recorded early 15c.
Tribe - mid-13c., "one of the twelve divisions of the ancient Hebrews,"
from Old French tribu or directly from Latin tribus "
one of the three political/ethnic divisions of the original Roman state"
(Tites, Ramnes, and Luceres, corresponding, perhaps, to the Latins, Sabines, and Etruscans),
later, one of the 30 political divisions instituted by Servius Tullius (increased to 35 in 241 B.C.E.)
"race or tribe of men, body of men united by ties of blood and descent, a clan"
Extension to modern ethnic groups or races of people is from 1590s, specifically
"a division of a barbarous race of people, usually distinguishable in some way from their congeners,
united into a community under a recognized head or chief"
Trust - c.1200 ...from Old Norse traust "help, confidence, protection, support,"
from early 15c. in legal sense of "confidence placed in a one who holds or enjoys the use of property
entrusted to him by its legal owner"
Unrestricted Endowment - Un "not", restricted "limited"
can be used in any way the recipient chooses to carry out its mission.
Use - "employ, make use of, practice, frequent,"
"make use of, profit by, take advantage of, enjoy, apply, consume,"
from Latin usus
"use, custom, practice, employment, skill, habit,"
Weighted Alpha - a weighted measure of how much a stock has risen or fallen over a certain period, usually a year.
Generally, more emphasis is placed on recent activity by assigning higher weights to later prices than those assigned to earlier movements. This helps to give a return figure that has a greater focus on the most current period and is a more relevant measure for short-term analysis.
White : A Mongolian is not a “white person,” within the meaning of the term as used In the naturalization laws of the United States; the term applies only to persons of the Caucasian race.
Worthy - "having merit"