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"Researchers at Princeton and Northwestern University wanted to find out how much political power ordinary citizens have, they examined a twenty year period from 1982 - 2002. They first discovered if large corporations and wealthy individuals (regardless of political party) want a law passed there is nearly a 60% chance it will be passed and if they don't want a certain law it doesn't pass." 


Then they looked at everyday voters issues (that almost no one supports) have a 30% chance of becoming law. Issues that almost everyone supports also have a 30% chance of becoming law. They concluded in their on words, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule near zero statistically non significant impact upon public policy."

Excerpt from: Saving Capitalism 2017

(Former Secretary of Labor - Robert Reich) 

(Based on a study of 1,779 policy issues,   

Princeton researchers Martin Gilens & Benjamin I.)

Who Rules America 1
Who Rules America 2

The Importance of Keeping Good Records


Increase Productivity

Saving Time & Money

Maintain up to date versions

Increase communication and collaboration

Reduce risk in the event key individuals are absent



An instrument on which is recorded, by means of letters, figures, or marks, matter which may be evidentially used. In this sense, the term "document" applies to writings; to words printed, lithographed, or photographed; to seals, plates, or stones on which inscriptions are cut or engraved; to photographs and pictures; to maps and plans.

Public Documents

Any document or record, evidencing or connected with the public business or the administration of public affairs, preserved in or issued by any department of the government.


A written document; a formal or legal document in writing, such as a contract, deed, will, bond, or lease.



A written acknowledgment of the receipt of money, or a thing of value, without containing any affirmative obligation upon either party to it; a mere admission of a fact, in writing.

What is Batch Scanning?

Batch scanning is the process of scanning multiple documents in a single operation. On completion of the scanning process, the software separates the scanned pages back into their original documents.

What is Document Management?

A document management system is a system used to track, manage and store documents and reduce paper. Most are capable of keeping a record of the various versions created and modified by different users. In the case of the management of digital documents such systems are based on computer programs.


Organized and structured repository that has indexed information in it for easy use. Retrieving, updating, analysis, and output is much easier to do this way. It is stored in a computer by graphics, reports, scripts, tables, and text.

Cloud Computing

The use of a managed, organized, protected network of servers, owned by a service company, but unknown to the public or user;  Access is only by the internet or directed URL using permissions granted by the service company. It allows for a procedure or a task to be managed by a collective of technologies, readily available at all times

Electronic Mail (EMAIL)

Online transfer

of text, voice, and/or video messages.

Email emanates from one computer

or device and arrives at another computer.

Why do people HATE email?

The most common reason,

it makes them feel overwhelmed,

under accomplished and defeated.

Your inbox is critical for workflow

More people using email than social media.

Free, Fast, Cheap, Accessible,

easily Replicated & Global

All online transactions

require email validation

(a type of digital social security number)

Information can be sent

& received in Real Time

(keeping people well informed)

It is a known fact that you are

more likely to obtain a

sale through an email

than you are through social media.


Managing emails effectively is important.

Email Statistics

Consumer Behavior & Usage

333 Billion emails sent / received daily (2022)

4.4 Billion worldwide users by end of 2024

3.4 Billion fake emails sent each day (phishing) 

1.8 Billion active Gmail users 

90% of Welcome emails are opened. 

80% of marketers would select email vs. social media marketing 

80% email usage among ages 18-29 | 30-49

76% of US adults used email or messaging services to communicate

75% of marketers say that personalization boosts engagement.

58% Apple iPhone email client market share

45% of email traffic is Spam

35% of emails are left unread

31% millennials checks personal emails multiple times per hour.

28% Gmail email market share

26% Gen Z checks personal emails multiple times per hour.

Data Mining

Sorting through large data amounts for useful information. It uses artificial intelligence, neutral networks, and advanced statistical tools to decide trends, patterns, and relationships.

These trends might be unnoticed otherwise.


A machine with digital circuits that uses data and performs functions based on instructions.

Handheld Computer

A small device that works like a laptop but is not one. It can have a calendar, diary, data management, word processing, network and internet access.​

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