1080 Portfolio Collection

the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
a large, thin, case for loose sheets of paper as drawings or maps.
a set of pieces of creative work collected by someone to display their skills, especially to a potential employer or client.
a range of investments held by a person or organization.

The sites and publications from which this content is shared are owned, founded and operated by the leaders of the world markets. If you are one who believes a percentage of a community are the captains and leaders of industry (economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods) why not study that community. If you are not trading, in some aspect just remember you're being traded (on paper / electronically). As you age those who are trading you declare you obsolete (no longer produced or used; out of date) at some point.
The "trader" (a person who buys and sells goods, currency, or stocks) (capitalist) never declares himself "out of date". The "Bracey Research Virtual Museum" is a reflection of the global "stage"... the people, the land (natural resources) and "the bottom line" all of which is represented by "document". This (see; CBCV page) display of course is a relic (an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest) fit for a financial museum.

Today the information game remains the same although the data survives on servers accessible via digital medium in various formats (spreadsheets, pdf's, emails, etc.) If consumption is your only interaction with information and technology consisting of pictures and short hand text (as oppose to monetize distribution) of entertaining videos of any length, you are utilizing the 5% of this revolution considered as the "Show". Organization (the structure or arrangement of related or connected items) of ones' digital data is the other 95%, the "Business".
Data properly stored and accessible via mobile device; deed, title, stocks, bonds, accounts, insurance, receipts; if its of any importance, value or exchangeable how quickly can you access this digital data anywhere in the world. The empire once built of paper is currently under reconstruction and digitally rising through the clouds (on a network server in a building of course) which takes on many shapes and forms.

The challenge of participating in the current shifting market (an area in which a demand for a particular commodity or service dealings are conducted) is understanding how to use the current technology for the business of oneself and the positive, collective growth and order of a new world.
Data (facts and statistics) is valuable. When is specific data of value? How does one recognize and extract the value from data? Each time an item, any item (intellectual property included) is exchanged, a tally (a record of a score or amount) is kept; name, location, date, time, intrinsic value (a receipt). Bottom lines are the result of tallies taken over the course of three and twelve month intervals.

In an effort to understand "all the world is a stage"; Lets just say more than a few hours were spent developing technical skills and data mining (the practice of examining large databases in order to generate new information) in an effort to understand the producers (person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale) , directors (person who is in charge of an activity, department, or organization) and playwrights (writer or adapter of plays for the stage) of this global stage.
- Bracey

" Life does not ask us what we want.
It presents us with options."
- Thomas Sowell
"Exercise Your Options"

2a.) VALUE | The utility of an object in satisfying, directly or indirectly, the needs or desires of human beings, called by economists “value in use;” or its worth consisting in the power of purchasing other objects, called “value in exchange.” Also the estimated or appraised worth of any object of property, calculated in money. The term is also often used as an abbreviation for “valuable consideration,” especially in the phrases “purchaser for value,” “holder for value,” etc.
UTILITY | 1. Business. Firm owning and operating facilities for production and distribution of water, electricity, gas telecommunications to the public. 2. Computing. Program whose function is to maintain efficiency of the system. Also known as utility program. 3. Economics. Value for money and pleasure arising from consuming services and goods. 4. Ethics. Said by Jeremy Bentham the English reformer and philosopher ” augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question”.
2b.) GOODWILL | The primary INTANGIBLE ASSET of a company, generally comprised of reputation, contact networks, intellectual property, and branding. Although the assets have value, they cannot be physically inspected and are extremely ILLIQUID. Goodwill may also include the PREMIUM a company pays in acquiring another company; although such additional value is generally reflected on the corporate balance sheet it must typically be amortized over a set period of time.
2c.) INTANGIBLE-ASSET | A nonphysical asset that is usually illiquid. It is also called intangible.
3.) INVESTMENT | A term where a capital is committed to make an income from it.
4d.) AUTHORITY | In contracts. The lawful delegation of power by one person to another. In the English law relating to public administration, an authority is a body having jurisdiction in certain matters of a public nature. In governmental law. Legal power; a right to command or to act; the right and power of public officers to require obedience to their orders lawfully issued in the scope of their public duties. Authority to execute a deed must be given by deed. Com. Dig. “Attorney,” C, 5; 4 Term, 313; 7 Term, 207; 1 Holt, 141; Blood v. Goodrich, 9 Wend. (N. Y.) 68, 75, 24 Am. Dec. 121; Banorgee v. Hovey, 5 Mass. 11, 4 Am. Dec. 17; Cooper v. Rankin, 5 Bin. (Pa.) 613.
4e.) SOVEREIGN RIGHT | A right that a state possess which allows it to act for the benefit of all of its citizens as it sees fit.
4f.) STATE | A body politic, or society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage, by the joint efforts of their combined strength. Cooley, Const. Lim. 1. One of the component commonwealths or states of the United States of America. The people of a state, in their collective capacity, considered as the party wronged by a criminal deed; the public; as in the title of a cause. “The State vs. A. B.” The section of territory occupied by one of the United States.
4g.) SOCIETY | An association or company of persons (generally not Incorporated) united together for any mutual or common purpose. In a wider sense, the community or public; the people in general. See New York County Medical Ass’n v. New York, 32 Misc. Bep. 116, 65 N. Y. Supp. 531; Josey v. Union L. & T. Co., 106 Ga. 608, 32 S. E. 628; Gilmer v. Stone, 120 U. S. 586, 7 Sup. Ct. 689, 30 L. Ed. 734. Socii mei socius mens socius non est. The partner of my partner is not my partner. Dig. 50, 17, 47, 1.
4.) CAPITAL | The most important city or town of a country or region, usually its seat of government and administrative center or wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing.
4a.) WEALTH | All material objects, capable of satisfying human wants, desires, or tastes, having a value in exchange, and upon which human labor has been expended; i. e. ,which have, by such labor, been either reclaimed from nature, extracted or gathered from the earth or sea, manufactured from raw materials, improved, adapted, or cultivated. ”The aggregate of all the things, whether material or immaterial, which contribute to comfort and enjoyment which cannot be obtained without more or less labor, and which are objects of frequent barter and sale, is what we usually call ‘wealth.’ ” Boweu, Pol. Econ. See Branham v. State, 96 Ga. 307, 22S. E. 957.
4b.) MONEY | A general, indefinite term for the measure and representative of value; currency; the circulating medium ; cash. “Money” is a generic term, and embraces every description of coin or bank-notes recognized by common consent as a representative of value in effecting exchanges of property or payment of debts. Hopson v. Fountain. 5 Humph. (Tenn.) 140. Money is used in a specific and also in a general and more comprehensive sense. In its specific sense, it means what is coined or stamped by public authority, and has its determinate value fixed by governments. In its more comprehensive and general sense, it means wealth.
4c.) STAMP | An Impression made by public authority, in pursuance of law, upon paper or parchment, upon which certain legal proceedings, conveyances, or contracts are required to be written, and for which a tax or duty is exacted. A small label or strip of paper, bearing a particular device, printed and sold by the government, and required to be attached to mail-matter, and to some other articles subject to duty or excise.
1.) PORTFOLIO | Assets managed together to reduce risks and improve investment opportunities. Refer to diversification, risk, and theory.
2.) ASSET | A financial contract or physical object with value that is owned by an individual, company, or sovereign, which can be used to generate additional value or provide LIQUIDITY. Assets are credits to the balance sheet, and may include CASH, investments, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, LOANS granted, INVENTORY, real estate, plant and equipment, and GOODWILL. Assets are characterized by varying degrees of LIQUIDITY, and may be funded through DEBT or EQUITY. See also LIABILITY.
Futures Contract | Agreement to buy or sell a commodity, financial instrument, or security, on a stated future date, at a specified price;
Typically no actual delivery occurs as counter-contracts settle, or trade out the agreements.
A futures contract is an obligation requiring completion of the transaction. Contrast to an option. An option is a purchased right to buy or sell an item. An option lapses if not exercised.

5.) RECEIPT | A receipt is the written acknowledgment of the receipt of money, or a thing of value, without containing any affirmative obligation upon either party to it; a mere admission of a fact, in writing. Krutz v. Craig, 53 Ind. 574. A receipt may be defined to be such a written acknowledgment by one person of his having received money from another as will be prima facie evidence of that fact in a court of law. Kegg v. State, 10 Ohio. 75. Also the act or transaction of accepting or taking anything delivered. In old practice. Admission of a party to defend a suit, as of a wife on default of the husband in certain cases. Litt.
6.) INSTRUMENT | A written document; a formal or legal document in writing, such as a contract, deed, will, bond, or lease. State v. Phillips, 157 Ind. 4S1, 62 N. E. 12; Cardenas v. Miller, 108 Cal. 250, 39 Pac. 783, 49 Am. St Rep. 84; Benson v. McMahon, 127 U. S. 457, 8 Sup. Ct 1240, 32 L. Ed. 234; Abbott T. Campbell, 60 Neb. 371, 95 N. W. 592. In the law of evidence. Anything which may be presented as evidence to the senses of the adjudicating tribunal. The term “instruments of evidence” includes not merely documents, but witnesses and living things which may be presented for inspection. 1 Whart Ev.
7.) PUBLIC DOCUMENT | A state paper, or other instrument of public importance or interest, issued or published by authority of congress or a state legislature. Also any document or record, evidencing or connected with the public business or the administration of public affairs, preserved in or issued by any department of the government. See Ilammatt v. Emerson. 27 Me. 335, 40 Am. Dec. 59S
8.) THEORY | Set of propositions, assumptions or facts attempting to provide a rational explanation of cause and effect of observed phenomenon.
9.) PROPOSITION | A single logical sentence; also an offer to do a thing. See Perry v. Dwelling House Ins. Co., 07 N. II. 291, 33 Atl. 731. OS Am. St. Rep. OGS; Hubbard v. Woodsum, 87 Me. 88, 32 Atl. 802.
10.) ASSUMPTION | The act or agreement of assuming or taking upon one’s self; the undertaking or adoption of a debt or obligation primarily resting upon another, as where the purchaser of real estate “assumes” a mortgage resting upon it in which case he adopts the mortgage debt as his own and becomes personally liable for its payment. Eggleston v. Morrison, 84 111. App. 631; Locke v. Homer, 131 Mass. 93, 41 Am. Rep. 199; Springer v. De Wolf, 194 111. 218, 62 N. E. 542, 56 L. R. A. 465, 88 Am. St Rep. 155; Lenz v. Railroad Co., Ill Wis. 198, 86 N. W. 607. The difference between the purchaser of land assuming a mortgage on it and simply buying subject to the mortgage, is that in the former case he makes himself personally liable for the payment of the mortgage debt, while in the lat ter case he does not. Hancock v. Fleming, 103 Ind. 533, 3 N. E. 254; Braman v. Dowse, 12 Cush. (Mass.) 227. Where one “assumes” a lease, he takes to himself the obligations, contracts, agreements, and benefits to which the other contracting party was entitled under the terms of the lease. Cincinnati, etc., R. Co. v. Indiana, etc., R. Co., 44 Ohio St. 287, 314, 7 N. EX 152.
12.) RATIONAL | 1. Behavior guided by reasoning and not by emotions. 2. A Thinking process that uses logical, systematic methods in drawing a conclusion. 3. A person who can draw logical conclusions.
13.) EXPLANATION | Commentary that is made to clear up a subject to make linkages clear in a concept. Refer to definition and description.
14.) CAUSE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS | A method leading to the listing of all possible reasons and outcomes associated with a particular problem or situation. It is a group process direct at uncovering possible or probable causal factors and their manifestation. The process identifies how they are linked, but does not necessarily lead to the root cause, or the removal of the reason to stop the recurrence of the problem. The process usually reports its results on a cause-and-effect diagram.
15.) LOGIC | The science of reasoning, or of the operations of the understanding which are subservient to the estimation of evidence. The term includes both the process itself of proceeding from known truths to unknown, and all other intellectual operations, in so far as auxiliary to this.
15a.) PROBABLE-REASONING | A logic that is based on the supposed or probable fact a person is trying to prove.
15b.) DEDUCTIVE-REASONING | Reasoning from the general to particular elements for laws on an observed occurrence. It is one of the three modes of thinking. AKA deduction.
15c.) PRACTICAL-REASONING | Coming at a conclusion, or taking action after careful pondering.
16.) FACT | A thing done; an action performed or an Incident transpiring; an event or circumstance; an actual occurrence. In the earlier days of the law “fact” was used almost exclusively in the sense of “action”or “deed;” but, although this usage survives, in some such phrases as “accessary before the fact,” it lias now acquired the broader meaning given above.A fact is either a state of things, that is, an existence, or a motion, that is, an event.1 Benth. Jud. Ev. 48.In the law of evidence. A circumstance, event or occurrence as it actually takes or took place; a physical object or appearance, as it actually exists or existed. An actual and absolute reality, as distinguished from mere supposition or opinion; a truth, as distinguished from fiction or error. Burrill, Circ. Ev. 218.”Fact” is very frequently used in opposition or contrast to “law.” Thus, questions offact are for the jury ; questions of law for the court. So an attorney at laic is an officer of the courts of justice; an attorney in fact is appointed by the written authorization of a principal to manage business affairs usually not professional. Fraud in fact consists in an actual intention to defraud, carried into effect; while fraud imputed by law arises from the man’s conduct in its necessary relations and consequences.The word is much used in phrases which contrast it with law. Law is a principle; factis an event Law is conceived; fact is actual. Law is a rule of duty; fact is that which has been according to or in contravention of the rule. The distinction is well illustrated in the rule that the existence of foreign laws is matter of fact. Within the territory of its jurisdiction, law operates as an obligatory rule which judges must recognize and enforce; but, in a tribunal outside that jurisdiction, it loses its obligatory force and its claim to judicial notice. The fact that it exists, if important to the rights of parties, must be alleged and proved the same as the actual existence of any other institution. Abbott. The terms “fact” and “truth” are often used in common parlance as synonymous,but as employed in reference to pleading, they are widely different. A fact in pleading is a circumstance, act, event, or incident; a truth Is the legal principle which declares or governs the facts and their operative effect. Admitting the facts stated in a complaint the truth may be that the plaintiff is not entitled, upon the face of his complaint to what the claims. The mode in which a defendant sets up that truth for his protection is a demurrer. Drake v. Cockroft, 4 E. D. Smith (N. Y.) 37.