US Senate
(United States | South Carolina)
Senator | SC Class II
Senator | SC Class III
Senator | SC Class II
US House of Representatives
(United States | South Carolina)
US House of Representatives Majority Whip Columbia, SC District 6
US House of Representatives Charleston, SC District 1
US House of Representatives Lexington, SC District 2
US House of Representatives Majority Whip Columbia, SC District 6
South Carolina
South Carolina Governor
South Carolina Governor
South Carolina
the Senate meets each legislative day at 2pm Tues 12pm Wed 11am Thu | State matters 11am Fri | Local matters
President of the Senate
Minority Leader
the Senate meets each legislative day at 2pm Tues 12pm Wed 11am Thu | State matters 11am Fri | Local matters
South Carolina
House of Representatives
"Any member may introduce bills or resolutions..."
Minority Leader
"Any member may introduce bills or resolutions..."
South Carolina
(populous cities)
SC populous cities Populous - having a large population
Mayor | Columbia, SC
Mayor | Rock Hill, SC
SC populous cities Populous - having a large population
Useful Links
(Click Title(s) Below)
The South Carolina Freedom of Information Act provides that all compensation for employees with earnings equaling $50,000 or more annually may be released.
Who gave money (Contributions) to South Carolina Elected Officials. How much was spent and with whom (Expenditures)