Schedule a Virtual Tour

Virtual Guided Tour
Museum | Exhibition includes...

[Ex1] The Federal Reserve: 45 mins
Voting Rights - Owners | People | Power
Resources - Everything attached to land
[Ex2] Infrastructure: 45 mins
Shipping & Ports - Commodities
Submarine Cables - Communications

[Ex3] Media: 45 mins
News | Entertainment | Education
Broadcast - Distribution of audio & video
[Ex4] Community: 45 mins
Officials - Representative of an Org.
Society - United for a common purpose

[Ex5] Pure Capitalism: 45 mins
Interesting Groups - influencing policy
Collectively Bargaining - bills; proposals
[Ex6] The Exchange: 45 mins
Trade - the act of exchanging [instruments]
Operational Disciplines - repeated steps
Objective >>
It has been found that museum visits have a larger impact on a range of outcomes, including historical empathy, tolerance and interest in art (skill as a result of learning or practice). Findings suggest that even a single museum visit can affect how one processes information and critical thinking skills which may be correlated with achievement in both the long and short term.
Visitors of the Virtual Museum & Exhibit (Guided Tour) leave with a better understanding of the historic organizational methods used by others to address issues similar to their own.
The ultimate goal is a sustainable growth model, identifying individuals, entities and outlets providing useful info as it relates to the discovery of new and existing knowledge resulting in a short (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly) and longer (1 - 5 year) term advantage.